4 Cigarrete Billboards in Penjaringan Not Yet Dismantled
access_time November 12 2015 01:02 PM remove_red_eye 1688
Reported by Suriaman Panjaitan | Translated by Trias Risangayu
Reported by Suriaman Panjaitan | Translated by Trias Risangayu
Four cigarette billboards that are emblazoned at several points in Penjaringan Sub-District, North Jakarta have not been dismantled. As planned, those will be dismantled in th upcoming January after the license expired.
Billboard license was issued before the implementation of Gubernatorial Regulation No.1/201
Head of Penjaringan Tax Service Unit (UPPD), Faisal Syafrudin conveyed the dismantling towards four billboards is known before issuance of the Gubernatorial Regulation No.1/2015 on the prohibition of outdoor billboards promoting cigarette products.
Cigarette Billboard Controlling in North Jakarta Postponed
Billboard license was issued before the implementation of Gubernatorial Regulation No.1/201 5,” he said, Thursday (11/12).
Syafrudin ensured those billboards will be controlled if the license expired, which falls in January 2016.
"One billboard license is valid one year. They could be controlled in the upcoming January due to its license was issued last January," he finished.